Snowy Mountains Muster proudly brought to you by Lions Club of Jindabyne

The Snowy Mountains Muster will be held in the High Country during the last three days of the year, every year, culminating in a New Year's Eve Bash. Re-live the Legend of the Snowy River and the people who made it famous

The Snowy Mountains Muster commitee wishes to invite you all toThe Snowy Mountains Muster (formerly known as The Snowy River Festival) to be held at the fantastic venue The Station Resort on the outskirts of stunning Jindabyne.

Enjoy the range of events, displays and activities that portray the people of the Snowy Mountains and bush heritage. We hope that by the end of the Muster you will feel part of Jindabyne and our Snowy River country. We would appreciate your feedback - Please visit

Non-profit organization